Classical Homeopathic Lectures - Volume J

Author(s) Vassilis Ghegas
4 Items Op voorraad
Levertijd 24 uur
€ 21,00

Introduction to the crete seminar

In May 1991, Vassilis Ghegas gave a fourteen-day seminar in his homeland. Greece on the isle of Crete.

More than 120 homeopaths from all over the world gathered there, both homeopathic doctors and homeopathic therapists. The atmosphere and the understanding among the participants was excellent.

The international company consisted of homeopaths from Greece, Ireland, England, The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Finland and Israel.

In an extraordinarily beautiful environment we followed classes, studied, discussed, relaxed, played music, feasted and fraternized.

The level of the classes was exceptionally high and Vassilis was in top form, his own environment bringing out the best in him. In two weeks he gave us a lot of information about the most varied homeopathic subjects in the practical way which is so typical of him: essences of polychrests, small remedies, the difference between polychrests and small remedies, delusions in homeopathy, follow-up on the long term, obstructed cases and the philosophical background of homeopathic medicine.

In this volume you will find the complete content of this unique seminar. I wish you a lot of pleasure reading and studying.

Fons vanden Berghe
May 1992 

Meer informatie
AuteurVassilis Ghegas