Colors in Homeopathy - SET (Color Chart + Textbook)

Narayana Verlag
Author(s) Ulrich Welte
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€ 48,00

The color tables and the repertory (Colors in Homeopathy) together comprise a complete working tool:
The color tables with 120 colors is the tool used to determine color preference. They are printed from 24 pure colors using an elaborate processing technique. The color table can be fully opened up and presented to the patient separately from the accompanying text, without needing to turn the pages (as previously required). On the back, there are overview tables to simplify the choice of color. This includes a small overview of all colors on a single page as well as the black-white scale and the new colors silver and gold.

They facilitate the differentiation of well-known remedies and also indicate rarer remedies that we might otherwise easily overlook. This work is the worldwide color standard in homeopathy and is used by a number of schools.

“The color preference is a significant and effective symptom. It‘s effective in the sense that it can indicate or confirm a diagnosis in many cases. The color preference is a peculiar symptom expressing the inner state of the patient, which is the state of the remedy. And it‘s a very specific symptom. The table designed by Ulrich Welte is the most usable I‘ve seen so far. All colors are clear and accurately standardized, so it can be used without ambiguity.“
Jan Scholten, 2003

“Through this work I have travelled down unexpected paths to the simillimum and have procured cures I could never have hoped for with the regular homeopathic method. The wonder of color selection has led me to choose medicines I would never have previously used with great success as well as confirming effective medicines where before I would have been riddled with doubt.“
Peter Tumminello, 2009

The set consists of the color tables and a textbook:

A: Color tables: 120 colors with overview – 3rd  fully revised edition, 2009
The color tables with 120 colors comprise the tool used to determine the color preference. They are printed from 24 pure colors using an elaborate processing technique. The color table can be fully opened up and presented to the patient separately from the accompanying text, without needing to turn the pages (as previously required). On the back, there are overview tables to simplify the choice of color. This includes a small overview of all colors on a single page as well as the black-and-white scale and the new colors silver and gold.

B: Textbook: Colors in Homeopathy – Seventh updated edition 2016
This contains the color repertory (color-remedy list) as well as a materia medica (remedy-color list) and instructions on how to determine the color preference with hints on how to use this in homeopathic practice. In the repertory there are around 1100 remedies, each of which is assigned a particular color.

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AuteurUlrich Welte
UitgeverNarayana Verlag
(Formaat: 544.6 KB)