ICD-999 - Vaccine Induced Diseases - The Chronic Serum Sickness Postulate

Author(s) P S Bender
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"The Ultimate Vaccine Book! This book contains the most extensive Timeline proving the intention of developing vaccines as Weapons of Mass Destruction." endorsement by Dr. Rebecca Carley Not since Edgar March Crookshank published History and Pathology of Vaccination, A Critical Inquiry, Volume 1 in 1889 has anyone compiled the unvarnished truth about vaccines as Weapons of Mass Destruction.Patrick Jordan shows how medicine developed from 6000-year old Black Magic into a pseudo- scientific application of the same superstition of Blood Sacrifice today. It begins with an examination of kidney disease precipitated by Vaccination and expands on the total systemic destruction of all forms of connective tissue in the unique postulate of Chronic Serum Sickness as an astoundingly plausible explanation for ALL diseases in North America. Inspired by the groundbreaking work of Dr. Rebecca Carley, M.D. (www.drcarley.com) and in collaboration with veterinarian Dr. Patricia Jordan, D.V.M. (no relation) a universal view is developed of Planet-wide vaccine poisoning including humans, animals and the food supply. The book details by what complex biological mechanisms it actually causes damage. Sound science with in-text references mixed with personal opinion and conjecture take the militarized vaccine holocaust out of the Occulted Darkness into the Brilliant Sunlight so that even the common man and woman can see the evil for what it is. Ingredients lists and extensive Timelines graphically fill out what words lack in conveying the overwhelming scope of the assault on humanity. Facts are shown so that you can see The Big Picture. The Big Picture is always lost unless seemingly unrelated historical and biological events are contrasted by historical and biological causal mechanisms. Indexed. 2012 minor revision.

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AuteurP S Bender
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