Syphilis (2nd edition)

Saltire Books
Author(s) Jeremy Sherr
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€ 42,99

Over ten years have passed since the first edition of this book, and Saltire are happy to present this second enhanced edition. The Dynamic Materia Medica of Syphilis is a web composed of eleven syphilitic remedies, each approached from a different perspective, each representing a lesson in materia medica study; essays and provings, essences and toxicologies, affinities, poetry, mythology, history, analysis and synthesis are all spread over an underlying bed of philosophy. The left and right pages represent the parallel approaches of science and art. The synthesis of all these strands culminates in an exciting conclusion on the nature of the syphilitc miasm and its underlying psoric roots.

While this book is an easy and enjoyable read, it is also an exercise book for the thinking homoeopath. Many clues lie buried below the surface, mimicking the hidden nature of our cases. The reader's challenge is to uncover and synthesise this information. This effort should pay dividends in all aspects of homeopathy, from case solving to a deeper perception of materia medica and philosophy. In this new edition Jeremy includes a commentary with solutions to many of the riddles. This can be read first as a guide or left to contemplate after the tantalising end!

Meer informatie
AuteurJeremy Sherr
UitgeverSaltire Books

This book review is reprinted from Volume 9, 2003 Edition of The American Homeopath with permission from The American Homeopath.

Reviewed by Melanie J. Grimes

Bravo to Sherr, for a poetic and non-linear approach to the materia medica, to boldly take himself and us on an inner journey towards deeper homeopathic understanding. This beautiful hardbound book is a wonderful addition to materia medica.

Sherr begins this eclectic book with a quote from Joseph Campbell, mythologist, and dedication to James Tyler Kent. This dichotomy alone sets the tone for the volume.

The book is basically a materia medica of selected remedies, those in the syphilitic miasm. The purpose is to illuminate both the remedy pictures and the miasm itself Sherr explains the purpose of the book is "to amalgamate a number of parallel concepts into a unified and holistic composition that reflects the intrinsic nature of homeopathy."

The book contains what he calls "multidimensional remedy pictures." This is done by utilizing the right and left sides of the pages to include and mesh information about the remedies taken from provings, toxicology, poetry, ancient text and modern films. There is no formula; each remedy is presented in a way that in itself is descriptive of the remedy picture.

The second part of the book is synthesis, both of the remedies presented and the view that this gives us of the miasm. Like a view through a prism, the many factions come together as a multifaceted picture.

The remedies covered are: Androctonus, Aurum, Haliaeetus, Guaiacum, Hepar sulphuricum, Mercurius, Phytolacca, Platina, Stillingia, Syphilinum, Thallium, and the "zone" of Iridium to Plumbum.

This is not a book that can be read linearly, but rather absorbed. The process required, as Sherr notes in a quote from Thomas Carlyle, is to "excite the reader to self-activity."

In rough drafts jokingly entitled, the Joy of Syphilis, Sherr has been at work on this volume for nearly a decade. The complex weaving of fact and fiction guides your mind to inner resources. This is a book to be pondered, not read.


This book review is reprinted with permission from Homeopathic Links.

Reviewed by Andreas Bjorndal, Norway

I have divided this review into three parts-. first impression, the book and conclusion.

First Impression
Every encounter with Jeremy has made my steps on the homeopathic path easier and more enjoyable. Having followed his
lectures, read his earlier proving-publications and watched his educational videos, I was very exited when I got hold of his new book.
As soon as I had a moment by myself I took the opportunity to investigate. I intended just to browse-, yet strangely, within a few minutes I found myself reading the book from the first page. What was this feeling I had, why did I feel so odd? Did I enter cyberspace or what?
Whatever it was, I enjoyed it. I knew I liked it in a different way to any other book I've read before. If somebody was not calling me back to this world I might have read the whole book that night.

Going to bed I knew I had experienced something new, not just the feelings you have when starting a new book, but something more. I could not find the right words as I was entering my dream world. The next morning I realised: this is not a book, yet it is a book. This is not a poem yet it has the beauty of a poem. This is not an encyclopaedia yet it has the precision of it. This is not a cyber book yet it has the flexibility of it. This is not a Materia Medica or Homeopathic philosophy book yet it is.

The book
Jeremy has been one of the most important single persons to strengthen the foundation of homeopathy: provings. He has blown away the dust of the old provings and made the worldwide homeopathic community see their importance. No other contemporary homeopath has made so many homeopaths all over the planet turn into provers and supervisors, or to put it simply, given new life to our foundation. So what is this new book? Let us look at it closer.

This is a 'proving' or a voyage through the syphilitic miasm. In the first chapter 'Perceiving Materia Medica' Jeremy writes about his way of perceiving the dynamic aspects of remedies. He parallels the static noun and the dynamic verb with the process of understanding the remedy on a more dynamic level. This is clearly explained and illustrated with Silica and Sepia. Chapter two is about the history of the disease and its name. Eleven remedies are covered in chapters three to thirteen:
Androctonus a ore xii hebraeus (Scorpion), Auru metallicu , Haliaeetus leucocephalus (Eagle), Guaiacum, Hepar sulphuris calicareu , Mercurius, Phytolacca, Platina, Stillingia sylvatica, Syphilinium and Thallium. In chapter fourteen, he invites you on a journey from Iridium to Plumbum (the Syphilitc Zone). The last chapter, the conclusion, synthesises all the information into the essentials of syphilis.
The two appendixes cover the syphilitic disease and a detailed bibliography.

If you have read any of Jeremy's provings, you have discovered he keeps strictly to the facts. When a man with such depth of perception is doing a proving you would perhaps like him to also share his understanding of the remedy. Jeremy chose to refrain from including his opinion in order to let the proving speak for itself. However, in this book, Jeremv invites the reader into his own deep and beautiful understanding, for the first time.

The perception of each of these remedies is very valuable in itself, but the most valuable thing for me was the completely new way Jeremy used the book as a medium of passing on his own mind and heart. Reading this book is like taking a sniff of his soul and enjoying the Materia Medica from the perspective of the author. The book is aesthetic, easy to read and has a double page system. Some pages are blue, some are white, thus speaking to both sides of the brain. The solid objective information is nicely combined with the subjective deep felt dynamic aspect of each remedy. Poems, quotes, extraction and illustration are combined with objective facts in a completely new way. A way that Jeremy calls a 'whole-brain' approach. I found it very stimulating. Normally when I get tired or bored I will browse or leave a book for later; with this new structure I did not get tired, but stimulated to read more and more.

This is not only a revolution of how to write a book, it is a very successful way of combining the science and art of homeopathy. This book is not just another Materia Medica but an example of Aude Sapere. To expose his own soul, mind and heart in this beautiful way demands courage and I hope others will be stimulated to follow this new way of writing.
If you have followed Jeremy's teachings you will love the ride, if you haven't, this is the next best thing.
This is not a book. But finally I know what it is- it is a deep personal proving or let me call it a Jeremyum Sharing.
The first title 'Dynamic Materia Medica' is hopefully promising that we might get a sycotic and a psoric book too? I am looking forward to yet another piece of cake!


This book review is reprinted from Volume 9, 2003 Edition of The American Homeopath with permission from The American Homeopath.

Reviewed by Melanie J. Grimes

Bravo to Sherr, for a poetic and non-linear approach to the materia medica, to boldly take himself and us on an inner journey towards deeper homeopathic understanding. This beautiful hardbound book is a wonderful addition to materia medica.

Sherr begins this eclectic book with a quote from Joseph Campbell, mythologist, and dedication to James Tyler Kent. This dichotomy alone sets the tone for the volume.

The book is basically a materia medica of selected remedies, those in the syphilitic miasm. The purpose is to illuminate both the remedy pictures and the miasm itself Sherr explains the purpose of the book is "to amalgamate a number of parallel concepts into a unified and holistic composition that reflects the intrinsic nature of homeopathy."

The book contains what he calls "multidimensional remedy pictures." This is done by utilizing the right and left sides of the pages to include and mesh information about the remedies taken from provings, toxicology, poetry, ancient text and modern films. There is no formula; each remedy is presented in a way that in itself is descriptive of the remedy picture.

The second part of the book is synthesis, both of the remedies presented and the view that this gives us of the miasm. Like a view through a prism, the many factions come together as a multifaceted picture.

The remedies covered are: Androctonus, Aurum, Haliaeetus, Guaiacum, Hepar sulphuricum, Mercurius, Phytolacca, Platina, Stillingia, Syphilinum, Thallium, and the "zone" of Iridium to Plumbum.

This is not a book that can be read linearly, but rather absorbed. The process required, as Sherr notes in a quote from Thomas Carlyle, is to "excite the reader to self-activity."

In rough drafts jokingly entitled, the Joy of Syphilis, Sherr has been at work on this volume for nearly a decade. The complex weaving of fact and fiction guides your mind to inner resources. This is a book to be pondered, not read.


This book review is reprinted with permission from Homeopathic Links.

Reviewed by Andreas Bjorndal, Norway

I have divided this review into three parts-. first impression, the book and conclusion.

First Impression
Every encounter with Jeremy has made my steps on the homeopathic path easier and more enjoyable. Having followed his
lectures, read his earlier proving-publications and watched his educational videos, I was very exited when I got hold of his new book.
As soon as I had a moment by myself I took the opportunity to investigate. I intended just to browse-, yet strangely, within a few minutes I found myself reading the book from the first page. What was this feeling I had, why did I feel so odd? Did I enter cyberspace or what?
Whatever it was, I enjoyed it. I knew I liked it in a different way to any other book I've read before. If somebody was not calling me back to this world I might have read the whole book that night.

Going to bed I knew I had experienced something new, not just the feelings you have when starting a new book, but something more. I could not find the right words as I was entering my dream world. The next morning I realised: this is not a book, yet it is a book. This is not a poem yet it has the beauty of a poem. This is not an encyclopaedia yet it has the precision of it. This is not a cyber book yet it has the flexibility of it. This is not a Materia Medica or Homeopathic philosophy book yet it is.

The book
Jeremy has been one of the most important single persons to strengthen the foundation of homeopathy: provings. He has blown away the dust of the old provings and made the worldwide homeopathic community see their importance. No other contemporary homeopath has made so many homeopaths all over the planet turn into provers and supervisors, or to put it simply, given new life to our foundation. So what is this new book? Let us look at it closer.

This is a 'proving' or a voyage through the syphilitic miasm. In the first chapter 'Perceiving Materia Medica' Jeremy writes about his way of perceiving the dynamic aspects of remedies. He parallels the static noun and the dynamic verb with the process of understanding the remedy on a more dynamic level. This is clearly explained and illustrated with Silica and Sepia. Chapter two is about the history of the disease and its name. Eleven remedies are covered in chapters three to thirteen:
Androctonus a ore xii hebraeus (Scorpion), Auru metallicu , Haliaeetus leucocephalus (Eagle), Guaiacum, Hepar sulphuris calicareu , Mercurius, Phytolacca, Platina, Stillingia sylvatica, Syphilinium and Thallium. In chapter fourteen, he invites you on a journey from Iridium to Plumbum (the Syphilitc Zone). The last chapter, the conclusion, synthesises all the information into the essentials of syphilis.
The two appendixes cover the syphilitic disease and a detailed bibliography.

If you have read any of Jeremy's provings, you have discovered he keeps strictly to the facts. When a man with such depth of perception is doing a proving you would perhaps like him to also share his understanding of the remedy. Jeremy chose to refrain from including his opinion in order to let the proving speak for itself. However, in this book, Jeremv invites the reader into his own deep and beautiful understanding, for the first time.

The perception of each of these remedies is very valuable in itself, but the most valuable thing for me was the completely new way Jeremy used the book as a medium of passing on his own mind and heart. Reading this book is like taking a sniff of his soul and enjoying the Materia Medica from the perspective of the author. The book is aesthetic, easy to read and has a double page system. Some pages are blue, some are white, thus speaking to both sides of the brain. The solid objective information is nicely combined with the subjective deep felt dynamic aspect of each remedy. Poems, quotes, extraction and illustration are combined with objective facts in a completely new way. A way that Jeremy calls a 'whole-brain' approach. I found it very stimulating. Normally when I get tired or bored I will browse or leave a book for later; with this new structure I did not get tired, but stimulated to read more and more.

This is not only a revolution of how to write a book, it is a very successful way of combining the science and art of homeopathy. This book is not just another Materia Medica but an example of Aude Sapere. To expose his own soul, mind and heart in this beautiful way demands courage and I hope others will be stimulated to follow this new way of writing.
If you have followed Jeremy's teachings you will love the ride, if you haven't, this is the next best thing.
This is not a book. But finally I know what it is- it is a deep personal proving or let me call it a Jeremyum Sharing.
The first title 'Dynamic Materia Medica' is hopefully promising that we might get a sycotic and a psoric book too? I am looking forward to yet another piece of cake!